Category: Guernsey
Found 4 posts.
Found 4 posts.
Returning to Guernsey for another go at GU36 - the unique race that covers a complete lap of the island along cliff paths, and all manner of terrain. It was a chance to beat last year's time, and perhaps see if I'd still got faster times in me.
May 14, 2023
Not being content with going around the island once on foot, today I went around it by bike to see things I'd missed. It rained a few times during the day, but still got to see everything I wanted to.
May 16, 2022
This was a race I'd been waiting a long time to do, and it was one of the highlights of a really nice weekend away seeing friends. Sure there was rain, but there was sun as well. There was just the 'small' matter of running 36 miles, 16 of which would be going up and down cliffs with lots of steps. Sounds like a challenge!
May 15, 2022
The first day of this trip was all about getting from Leicester to Saint Peter Port, and being ready to run an ultra marathon. It turned into a really nice afternoon as the start of a great weekend.
May 14, 2022