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Wandering the World

Stories and tips from around the world.

Cyprus Day 6

Going Home

I was awake far too early. It was 06:00, which would have been like 04:00 back home, although I didn't get up until 07:00. I had breakfast, showered, and finished my packing. I felt like I could have run one last time in the sun, but thought maybe it wouldn't be beneficial at all today when I'd be spending a lot of time on my feet, and travelling. Before leaving I headed over to a nearby store to get some insect bite cream I'd found to be very effective as it would come in useful for future trips. Whilst there I bumped into a few familiar faces again, and we took some final photographs before parting ways.


After seeing the sea one last time, a pre-booked taxi took me back to Paphos airport. It was such a shame to be leaving this brilliant weather behind now that it had arrived. I was a little tired from the race still. The bag drop was fortunately fairly quick, and the security even more so. This time I was stopped however, no idea why, and was swabbed before I could continue on to border control. I'd forgotten that this one is a machine where you get your photograph taken, which is then taken to a desk to be checked, and your passport stamped.

As it was lunchtime, I had food from the airport, and then sat by the gate and waited. This time the priority boarding was a waste of time, as once scanned you go into what is like a shed, and by the time you're released from there to get on the plane it's possible for the non-speedy boarding passengers to get ahead anyway. It didn't matter though, I stlll had space nearby for my backpack, though a fellow runner was complaining about small bags being in the overhead compartment. It's tough though - I'd paid for it to be there.


Immigration in the UK was incredibly fast, but despite the time it took to get there, it was still a long wait for luggage in the baggage hall. I then took the shuttle bus to the long stay car park, and found my car. I hadn't realised at the time though that some vandal had snapped the aerial on my car whilst I'd been away. When leaving the car park it hadn't recognised my booking and tried to charge £155. I used the assistance button instead, and the person confirmed my booking and let me out ready for the long drive home in the rainy night.

It'd been a really good trip, and there are parts of this trip I'll certainly remember fondly for a long time.

Tags: cyprus travel trips

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© David G. Paul