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Wandering the World

Stories and tips from around the world.

Category: Austria

Found 6 posts.

Vienna Day 6

To get in one last run before our journey home, I was up at 06:40. I was out the door ten minutes later to do what I expected would be a slow five mile run. I headed west, and crossed the Danube Canal further along than we’d done previously (at the Rossauer Barracks), and found my way to the Sigmund Freud museum to photograph that, and then continued on in the direction of the Spittelau incinerato …

July 23, 2024

Vienna Day 5

Although I’d usually run on a Monday morning during a heavier week of running, I decided as we’d be on our feet a fair bit today I wouldn’t. We were awake early once again due to the heat, had a pastry for breakfast, and was on our way to the tram stop at 08:40. Thankfully, whilst still very warm, it felt cooler than it had at this time the day before. After a short wait at the tram stop, we took …

July 22, 2024

Vienna Day 4

For this morning I’d planned a ten mile route that would take me past quite a few sights, and some areas of the city we would otherwise be unlikely to visit. I thought this was a route I’d be running by myself, but Carmen decided that with some half marathons coming up it would be good to get some longer runs in. As I was keen to avoid the hottest part of the day, and hopefully see some of these …

July 21, 2024

Vienna Day 3

We were up at 07:30 and got ready to leave at 08:00 without breakfast. It wasn’t to go to the Sofiensäle just yet, we had somewhere else to be first. How could we visit a country we'd not been to before, one that has a parkrun community, and not actually visit parkrun. Of course, we'd be going there. We walked to the station at Praterstern to catch the U1 train to Alte Donau. Fortunately this U-B …

July 20, 2024

Vienna Day 2

With parkrun tomorrow, I’d made the decision that I wouldn’t be going for a run today. I suspected that I’d be spending the majority of the day sitting down too, so would be quite a restful day. I’d not slept that well due to the heat, and the noise of the fan - the only thing keeping us close to a bearable temperature. So lacking sleep, it was probably for the best. The entire reason for this tr …

July 19, 2024

Vienna Day 1

It may have been the first day of my holiday, but I’m still a runner, and I still needed to get a training run in ahead of my marathon in Larnaca at the end of the year. With today being a long day of travel, the best time to get this in was before breakfast. I did five miles, knowing my mileage would be reduced over the next few days, and then got ready for the journey to London to meet-up with C …

July 18, 2024

Recent Trips

I didn't expect to be going back to Cyprus for a third time; though the timing of the marathon there, and knowing the conditions for it there would be warmer than in the UK made it a good choice. Carm…

At the start of our Super Halfs journey, we set off for Copenhagen to do the first in this six race series that spans Europe. It was a chance for us both to explore a city neither of us had been to be…

> “And I’ll dance with you in Vienna, I’ll be wearing a river’s disguise. The hyacinth wild on my shoulder my mouth on the dew of your thighs. And I’ll bury my soul in a scrapbook, with the photograph…

Budapest is a city my sister has wanted to visit for several years as she thought "the buildings look cool". Having changed my mind about returning to Greece just yet, I decided this would be a good o…

My first trip to Cyprus had been for a half marathon race that never took place. It'd been postponed until 2022, but due to timings I decided to defer until the 2023 event as it'd work better that way…

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Recent Races

Leicester Half Marathon
Another week, another half marathon. Could I edge closer to being a sub-90 runner again, and beat Copenhagen and Cardiff? I certainly wasn't sure, but I was going to give it a go.…

Principality Cardiff Half Marathon
The second of the Super Half series, and one as close to home as we'd get. Though maybe races being closer to home don't always mean they're going to be easier to get to...…

The Big Half

Rutland 10K

Guernsey Ultra 36 #GU36

More Running…

© David G. Paul