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Wandering the World

Stories and tips from around the world.

Denmark Day 2

Fælledparken parkrun

I got up at 07:15 and had a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast before we left out around 08:00. The walk to Fælledparken is around thirty minutes, and was a chance for us to explore some of the quieter part of the city as well. We were essentially familiarising ourselves with the route to the event village for tomorrow.

As we got closer to the park we could see runners heading in, and knew we could just follow them to find the parkrun start. There were clearly many runners here from the UK, and not that long after arriving we bumped into Douglas who is someone I know from when I did the Shrewsbury Half Marathon several years ago.

Faelledparken parkrun

The briefing started at 09:00, and at this one they give applause for each volunteer in turn as they announce what that person is doing. There were a lot of runners here doing the half marathon tomorrow too. When we started, I decided to run with Carmen, and stuck with her for the full three laps that makes up this 5K course.

When we were done, we walked over to Sparta Hallen to collect our race number and t-shirt from the expo. Outside were several desks organised by size and gender for t-shirt collection, which came in a nice material bag. They also gave out signs for supporters, and a foldable map of the route. There's also a wall of names for the participants, and a couple of stalls.

Inside the hall there's a handful of stalls there, but nowhere near as many as other races I've had to attend Expos for. They also print your race numbers here, and attach the timing chip to it. Super Halfs also had a stall where you could see the medal you'll earn after completing all six.

On our way back we stopped by a Netto to get a Pølsehorn (sesame seed topped pastry containing sausage and ketchup) each, and a Kanelsnegle (a cinnamon and chocolate cake) each. When we continued on we soon stopped again when we reached Olufsvej as it was lined with colourful houses like the ones you’d see in Nyhavn. We wondered if they had to plan with each other which house would be painted what colour.

Colourful houses of Olufsvej

I thought rather than retrace our steps from there, we could carry on towards Østerport as it’d be a similar length of journey, and would mean getting to see different things. We soon found it worthwhile as we passed Sortedam Lake which has a nice view.

Copenhagen Lakes

Back at the apartment we made ourselves some lunch, and relaxed for a couple of hours before heading back out. Whilst it was warm in the sun, it was also punctuated by the chill of the occasional breeze meaning it was slightly too cold for just a t-shirt.

We walked towards Kastellet and this time walked through the insides of it. It’s an active military base, but is open to the public as a park as well. Inside the star-shaped mounds of this island there are rows of red buildings, and a few others including a windmill. Despite the many signs telling people to stay off the grass, there were many that were not.


Out the other side of the Kastellet, we walked on to the Spar from last night so we could get an ice cream. We walked as we ate, and reached Frederick’s Marble Church. When we walked a lap of the outside of it I found that the 13:00 tours of the dome I’d read about were actually only on Saturdays and Sundays now, meaning we were very unlikely to go up this. We did however go inside, and whilst most of the interior is quite underwhelming, looking up at the inside of the dome is still nice.

Frederik's Marble Church

From there we visited two souvenir shops on our way to Nyhavn, and then another one there as well. It wasn’t until that last one we found things we wanted to buy. We actually found ourselves looking around a Flying Tiger store as well. Of all the areas we’d walked through so far, this was the busiest, so we walked along the south quayside where it’s quieter, and took photographs of the colourful buildings, and the one that was once home to Hans Christian Andersen.


I asked Carmen if she was done with walking, but she was fine to carry on walking a bit longer, and suggested we see the underwater statues I’d mentioned earlier in the day. We could see across the Copenhagen Port to Christianshavn, and the steps around the spire of the Church of Our Saviour.


We followed the quayside round to the Christiansborg Palace and crossed the Hejbro bridge to the north east side where we could see the Agnete and the Merman Statue underwater. The angle you see them from has to be right, and if the water is too 'choppy' it can be difficult too. As I navigated us back from there I accidentally took us past the Nikolaj Art Gallery which is located inside an old church.

Christiansborg Palace Agnete and the Merman Statue

Eventually we reached the Kastellet, and walked through that once more. On our way back from there we stopped by the Netto to get some Ostepølser (red sausages) to cut up and put in the pasta and sauce we’d got for this evening, and some garlic bread to go with it. It was very filling, so I hoped I'd not eaten too much before tomorrow's race.

The remainder of the evening was relaxing, and we prepared our running clothes for the morning to save some time.

Tags: copenhagen denmark parkrun travel trips

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© David G. Paul